Not Just A Clothing Brand

When enough was enough, I refocused.

After fully recovering from my chronic illness - and the subsequent meds I became dependent on - I founded Trauma Healing Club with one clear objective:

Promote holistic and at-home ptsd and addiction recovery solutions to help people who feel like they've tried everything.

Our mission is straightforward - to offer educational resources, community, and comfy purpose-driven products that make mental health healing easier.

THC's leading the fashion industry by reshaping the mental health landscape all through a blend of CBT, enclothed cognition, and community.

Refocus is my one-word summary of Romans 12:2. Essentially, Refocus means to change your perspective by pursuing alternative paths and to prove you're in control. 

Our resources may raise awareness for and benefit:

  • SSRI & Anxiety Prescription Withdrawal
  • Those with ADHD, OCD, & PTSD
  • Autoimmune Disease Survivors
  • Young Adults Exiting College
  • Holistic/Alt Health Seekers
  • Injury-Recovered Athletes
  • Veterans & Police
  • New Parents
  • You

Brand Mission

I started this brand in Summer 2023 after I had just hit my 1-year sobriety marker. As I had a day to celebrate, I also said wow when I realized I had wished there was a place, a brand, a community that walked in my shoes that I could've committed to when I was going through darkness. Born from this idea was THC: Trauma Healing Club.

THC’s the place, the brand, and the community for you, for me, and for anyone who’s ‘been through it’ and is looking to heal – especially using alternative approaches.

I’ve realized you need to do things yourself in all areas of life, from your body to your mind, to your career, to the way the world is. If somethings wrong - you identify the source and adapt.

That is exactly why, with your help, I’m introducing a new perspective to the word Refocus for the world. Refocus comes from Romans 12:2, its my one word summary of it. Essentially, Refocus means to change your perspective by pursuing alternative paths and to prove you're in control. 

“Ok, how?”

Think about thinking in the moment and be aware that you’re acknowledging your own thinking before internally saying the trigger word ‘refocus’ to yourself - this’ll do something amazing - it enables your subconscious to act on this meta-thinking over time, like autonomously watering the seed of believing into action. This is how to A.C.T. (Always. Control. Temptation.)

My hope is to spread this message for people dealing with the struggles of sobriety, mental health, and physical pain. From my heart, thank you for the support. And remember.

When You Fall… Refocus.