Things That You Should Know, But Aren't Told

Straight From The Founder's Mouth

There's One Phrase That Helps My Brain Remember...

ACT - Always Control Temptation.   Article coming soon.

There's One Phrase That Helps My Brain Remember...

ACT - Always Control Temptation.   Article coming soon.

Where's Refocus Come From?

I took the symbol of a bracelet with Romans 12:2 on it and summarized it. Refocus = "Do not be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed...

Where's Refocus Come From?

I took the symbol of a bracelet with Romans 12:2 on it and summarized it. Refocus = "Do not be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed...

THC Founder: My Top 5 Holistic Tools to Refocus...

Discover the THC Founder's top 5 holistic tools for refocusing in today's fast-paced world. From meditation to CBT, these personal insights reveal how integrating mindfulness, animal therapy, walking with music,...

THC Founder: My Top 5 Holistic Tools to Refocus...

Discover the THC Founder's top 5 holistic tools for refocusing in today's fast-paced world. From meditation to CBT, these personal insights reveal how integrating mindfulness, animal therapy, walking with music,...

Mindfulness vs CBT

What exactly is the difference between mindfulness and cbt? The answer is powerful when understood.

Mindfulness vs CBT

What exactly is the difference between mindfulness and cbt? The answer is powerful when understood.

You've Heard of Sober Curious Right? Find Out W...

Explore the sober-curious movement with our guide on embracing mindful living in 2024. Dive into how Gen Z is leading a cultural shift towards wellness, mental health, and conscious consumption...

You've Heard of Sober Curious Right? Find Out W...

Explore the sober-curious movement with our guide on embracing mindful living in 2024. Dive into how Gen Z is leading a cultural shift towards wellness, mental health, and conscious consumption...