Reimagine How You View Your Phone, Before It's Too Late

You Don't Have To Throw It Away, It Just Can't Stay On You.

In our technology-driven world, smartphones are central to our daily routines, yet their impact on our health remains a topic of emerging concern. This article explores the connection between smartphone use, particularly in the era of 5G, and a range of health issues, including mental health disorders like anxiety and physical problems such as stomach issues due to suppressed immune system functionality.

Mental and Physical Health Repercussions

A Digital Age Dilemma

The pervasiveness of smartphones has brought about a rise in mental health challenges. Research indicates a correlation between excessive smartphone usage and the development of conditions like depression, anxiety, OCD, ADHD, and alcohol use disorder​. Furthermore, a review of observational studies highlights the link between mobile phone use and mental health from a psychological or behavioral perspective​.

Beyond the Mind: The Body’s Response

The impact of smartphone use isn’t confined to mental health. Anxiety disorders and depression are often accompanied by physical symptoms, including gastrointestinal issues like stomach upset, nausea, and constipation​. Additionally, lifestyle disruptions caused by excessive smartphone use, such as poor sleep and irregular eating patterns, are thought to contribute to functional gastrointestinal disorders​.

5G Technology: Progress or Peril?

The Electromagnetic Radiation Debate

The rollout of 5G technology has intensified discussions around the health effects of electromagnetic radiation emitted by mobile networks. The argument presented by Anthony Fitzgerald in the UK Parliament in April 2020 underscores this concern. He points out that while Public Health England's carefully worded statements suggest no consistent evidence of adverse health effects from wireless radiation, this does not negate the existence of some evidence pointing to harmful impacts on certain segments of the population​​.

Questioning the Consensus

The Study reads, frighteningly, "Given the broad support exhibited today by the government, military, and industry for the rapid implementation of 5G, all these organizations have to present a united front in declaring 5G (and previous generations of mobile networking technology) to be safe. If one government lab, or one highly-funded performer, were to perform a credible real-life simulation of wireless radiation effects and show the potential damage that might result, then the government’s and industry’s fast-track effort to implement 5G before the full extent of the damage becomes known would be derailed. Hard to imagine how government would allow this to happen."

Why Aren't We Hearing About This?

Our current approach to managing conflicts of interest in wireless radiation research isn't really working well. At the moment, we only learn about conflicts of interest when researchers disclose their funding sources in their published studies, or if there's some other obvious evidence. However, there are many other types of conflicts of interest that aren't as easy to spot. These hidden conflicts can influence the research outcomes just as much as the more noticeable ones. To uncover these hidden conflicts, we need to investigate more deeply.


The Unsettling Conclusion of the Study

"Our previous studies have reported that multifrequency microwaves of 1.5 GHz and 4.3 GHz decreased the white blood cells and lymphocytes in peripheral blood, suggesting immune suppression. In this study, we also found that multifrequency microwaves of 1.5 GHz and 2.8 GHz injured structures of immune organs, which in turn decreased immune cells and reduced serum levels of cytokines and Igs in peripheral blood."

The promise of wireless radiation in enhancing remote sensing, improving communications, and boosting connectivity is significant. Yet, numerous studies, both in laboratories and through population-based research, indicate potential health risks associated with previous wireless technology. Much of this research does not reflect everyday environmental conditions. When factors such as signal content, frequency ranges, and other environmental toxins are considered alongside wireless radiation, the potential for health risks appears to increase. Introducing 5G into our current landscape, already laden with wireless radiation, may exacerbate these health concerns. Therefore, extensive research and thorough testing are essential to understand the health implications of 5G before its widespread adoption.

What Can You Do?

Strive for Healthier Digital Habits

Recognize the Risks

Understanding the potential health risks associated with smartphone use, particularly with the advent of 5G, is essential. Acknowledging these risks is the first step toward taking proactive measures to safeguard our health.

Practical Detox Strategies

Reduce Electromagnetic Exposure

Limiting exposure to smartphones and other electronic devices, especially in the hours leading up to bedtime, can help improve sleep quality and overall physical health.

Embrace Lifestyle Changes

Adopting healthier lifestyle habits, such as a balanced diet, regular physical activity, and stress-reduction techniques, can mitigate the adverse effects of excessive smartphone use.


Tl;DR: Keep ya phone OUT of your pocket when doing tasks! 

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