Sobriety comes in many shapes, and so do we

Being accustomed to the norm almost killed me, it wasn't until I put my mind to the test and my life in my own hands did I begin to heal.

Trauma Healing Club is a mental health clothing brand and resource hub - born out of my remission from my over decade long journey of battling autoimmune diseases. Because of what I've went through, I now deal with trauma in many forms; PTSD, ADHD, depression and anxiety.

What'd I do about it? I've designed comfy clothes for all sizes with positive messaging to remind you about your mental health journey. I've written about my life on how to Refocus. I've partnered up with some of the greatest people and organizations out there to bring awareness, resources and community to the light to control our PTSD and Addiction.

What sets our brand apart is that the very essence of THC challenges the mainstream mental health status-quo by advocating for self-healing through a focus on diet, detox, and action - instead of relying on appointments & prescriptions.

As an non-certified educational resource hub, we understand doctors and pills are necessary for certain situations along our health journey. However, we keep in mind that it's important to feel in control when our health spirals, because when one domino falls we can protect the rest. Trauma Healing Club helps us take the front seat in our lives, we promote mental health tools like Refocus and ACT that combat PTSD and Addiction.

THC is the Community Refocus is the Tool

What's Refocus? Where does Refocus come from?

It's my own one-word summary of the bible verse my aunt introduced me to through a wristband she gave me for my birthday during my recovery out of the hospital.

👇🏼 Romans 12:2 👇🏼

"Do not be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by renewing your mind, to prove you have the will God gave you."

When others fall, we refocus.


I created Trauma Healing Club and it's teaching tool Refocus in the summer of 2023 after pulling myself out of hell. I recovered my health and sobriety many times, and each time the trauma left a haunting imprint on my mental once I got out of pain. I had to figure something out or my relapses would keep looping.

During my agony, I stumbled upon a life-changing truth: true healing is a matter of willpower. The mistake I made was just taking the word of each doctor, assuming the recommended pharmaceutical medications were designed as a force for good.

Trauma Healing Club promotes the mantra "It's what you do, not what you take," reinventing the classic notion of "Mind Over Matter." This isn't just about making choices; it's about stepping into the driver's seat of our health and future, alongside others doing the same.

Together, we can Refocus in comfort, style, and community.

Resource of the Month

What IS Sober Curious? Find Out Why It's Trending

Ever Heard of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy?

I've stumbled upon an amazing trend called sober curiosity, and let me tell you, it's not just a buzzword—it's a lifestyle revolution. As someone going through my own journey to wellness, discovering how Gen Z is reshaping our social fabric by ditching alcohol for a clearer mind and healthier body has been eye-opening. It's about connecting with ourselves on a deeper level through meditation, movement, and mindfulness. Dive deeper right here.

  • Doing it All Ain't Easy

    Being ill is hard, being ill while staying sociable, successful, and sane can feel impossible. I promise you're in control - you just don't know how to act on that info. Yet.

  • Learn what not to do

    Countless examples of social, career, and physical problems that I overcame - use my mistakes and epiphanies as a trial-and-error launchpad to jumpstart your life again.

  • The Alternative is Worse

    All resources I share are 100% tested from my unique life experiences. I learned which methods are useful in the moment and which become worse over time.

Original Editions

Winter 2023 OG Collection of the Trauma Healing Club - Commit to securing your mental...